On the 20th Kislev 5781, just over five months ago, we celebrated our son Shlomo Aharon’s Bar Mitzvah.
The 20th of Kislev is significant since that is the day that the Tanya was printed for the first time.
What is The Tanya?
In honor of his Bar Mitzvah and this special day, our son requested that we publish a Tanya in Rancho Mirage for the very first time ever. After making the necessary arrangements we were able to get the template to print the Rancho Mirage Tanya, with its unique identifying number.
We started the project in advance of the Bar Mitzvah and completed the printing at the event. As the final pages were coming out of the copier, we sang the special melody attributed to the the Tanya's author - The Alter Rebbe. This evocative melody is traditional sung at the Chupah and other special occasions. The Bar Mitzvah boy shared some words and a lesson from the Tanya, and we celebrated this milestone for our community with dancing. Click here to watch the singing the melody of the Alter Rebbe and for a glimpse of the joyous dancing, click here.
Following the Bar Mitzvah, the Tanyas were sent to be bound and they are finally back here in Rancho Mirage, just in time for Shavuos.
Please use this form if you would like a copy of this limited edition first printing.
What is the significance of printing a Tanya? Why specifically a local printing?
In honor of this special milestone for our community, we will be starting a weekly class in Tanya for men and women. If this is something you would be in interested in, please let us know, and watch this space for the official announcement and more details to register.