SUNDAY, APRIL 21 - 13 Nissan |
Search for Chametz in the evening |
MONDAY, APRIL 22 - 14 nissan Erev pesach |
Taanit Bechorim - Fast of the Firstborns |
Eat Chometz Until | 10:30 AM |
Burn Chometz by | 11:37 AM |
Burning @ Chabad 11:20 AM, Please bring only tiny pieces of chametz
After today, no Tefillin until May 1 |
Candle Lighting | 6:40 PM |
Mincha Followed by Maariv | 6:50 PM |
First Communal Seder | 8:30 PM |
TUESDAY, APRIL 23 - 15 nissan First day of Passover |
Morning Service | 10:00 AM |
Mincha followed by Maariv | 7:00 PM |
Light Holiday Candles after | 8:03 PM |
Second Communal Seder | 8:30 PM |
The counting of the Omer is recited starting tonight and during each of the next forty-nine days, leading up to the holiday of Shavuot on the fiftieth day. The counting of the Omer commemorates the eager anticipation of the Jewish people following the exodus from Egypt, as they counted the days and sanctified themselves in preparation for the Revelation and receiving of the Torah at Mount Sinai. At night, Omer 1 |
WEDnesday, APRIL 24 - 16 nissan Second day of passover |
Morning Service | 10:00 AM |
Mincha Followed by Maariv | 7:05 PM |
At Night, Omer 2 |
THURsday, APRIL 25 - 17 nissan Passover intermediate day 1 |
Morning Services | 8:30 AM |
Mincha followed by Maariv | 7:05 PM |
At Night, Omer 3 | |
friday, APRIL 26 - 18 nissan Passover intermediate day 2 |
Shacharis | 8:30 AM |
Light Candles | 6:43 PM |
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat Services | 7:05 PM |
At Night, Omer 4 | |
SHabbat, April 27 - 19 nissan Passover intermediate day 3 |
Shacharis | 10:00 AM |
Mincha/Maariv Services | 7:00 PM |
At Night, Omer 5 | |
SUnday, April 28 - 20 nissan Last day of Chol Hamoed |
Shacharis | 8:30 AM |
Light Candles | 6:44 PM |
Mincha | 7:05 PM |
Followed by Kabolas Shabbos/Maariv Services | |
At Night, Omer 6 | |
MONDay, April 29- 21 Nissan Seventh Day of pesach |
Morning Services | 10:00 AM |
Mincha | 7:00 PM |
Maariv/Light Candles after | 7:53 PM |
At Night, Omer 7 | |
TUESDAY, April 30 - 22 nissan Last Day of Pesach |
Morning Services | 10:00 AM |
Yizkor Memorial Services | 11:30 AM (approx) |
Mincha | 6:00 PM |
Followed by Farewell to Pesach – Moshiach Seudah | 6:15 PM |
Holiday Ends | 7:53 PM |
At Night, Omer 8 | |
Do not eat chometz until at least 8:53 pm, to allow time for the Rabbi to buy it back for you |